One Day Pilates Reveal Retreat

23 April 2023

“I really like the way that a group of women who don't really know one another can meet and soon feel like a bonded group, just by the simple link of a fine thread of liking Pilates. A lot of friendliness, and trust.”  - Zoe

I very much enjoyed the day. I enjoyed learning about the different types of Pilates and I thought how they gradually cranked up the scale was good, even if I could only stay at the basic level on (lots of) occasions. Everyone's enthusiasm, particularly from the 3 instructors was very infectious and encouraging.

I liked the format of the day and found the break in activity by having a talk and going for a walk, allowing for our lunch to settle before the last burst of Pilates was excellent.”


It was lovely to join you yesterday & I really enjoyed the retreat. There was a lovely mix of friendly people & instructors. I am certainly feeling the exertions today!! I thought your healthy body/mind talk was also informative & certainly food for thought!…no pun intended! 

Venue was easy to get to, a perfect size for the group & a lovely lunch, had the weather have been warmer it would have been lovely to use the outside space more.”


Had the most enjoyable day at the recent One-day retreat. Nice meeting new like- minded Pilates enthusiasts. Enjoyed the variety of the 3 classes, each with a different focus and tempo. Can't believe I got through the 3 hours in one piece. In sheer admiration for the passion and fitness levels of the instructors. The venue was great and a swim in the pool was a nice relaxing way to round off the day. A perfect way to spend any Sunday!.” Hayley

“I thought today was excellent - I’m absolutely shattered!”  - Tracey